Recommitting to Rural America: The Expanding Crisis of Rural Poverty and its Effects

This presentation views rural poverty as well as rural economic and structural challenges. It also looks into reframing the rural/urban dialectic. Presented by Charles W. Fluharty (President and CEO, Rural Policy Research Institute) to the Council On Foundations 2014 Philanthropy Exchange on June 9, 2014 in Washington, D.C. View Presentation

Written Statement for the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

This document discusses a policy perspective which reflects the most critical dynamics to be addressed, to lesson the comparative disadvantage to rural people and places. Written by Charles W. Fluharty (President and CEO, Rural Policy Research Institute) on May 1, 2014 for the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. View Document

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: Impacts on Rural People, Places, and Providers: 2010 First and 2014 Second Look

These two policy documents from 2010 and 2014 take a first and second look at the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and how it contributes to reshaping the health care delivery landscape, particularly in rural areas. Prepared in September 2010 and April 2014 by the RUPRI Health Panel: Andrew …

Broadband Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities in Rural America

This presentation explores rural and urban definitions and what makes an area rural/urban. It also discusses population dynamics and challenges in rural and urban areas. Presented by Charles W. Fluharty (President and CEO, Rural Policy Research Institute) at the Rural Broadband Workshop Federal Communications Commission on March 19, 2014 in Washington, D.C. View Presentation

Pondering RA’s Future: Organized Prescience in a Disruptive Milieu

This presentation touches base on three “visions” which is hoped to frame our future. It also explores the changing context for Rural Action’s mission and vision based on current rural trends. Presented by Charles W. Fluharty (President and CEO, Rural Policy Research Institute) to the Rural Action’s 22nd Annual Meeting Lake Hope Lodge in Mac …

Rural America, Urban America, or E Pluribus Unum?

As we all know, rural America is an amazingly diverse and dynamic place, and far from homoge-nous, in almost all ways. As the old saw goes, “Once you have seen one rural community, you have, indeed, seen just one rural community!” While this stereotyping is unfortunate, rural America has a far deeper challenge, which became …