RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis Releases Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update for 2024. January 2025.

The RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis has released the 2024 Enrollment Update for Medicare Advantage.

The Key Findings:

Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment now exceeds 50 percent of eligible beneficiaries
(enrolled in both Part A and Part B) in metropolitan counties (56.1 percent); at the
current rate of growth, nonmetropolitan enrollment is expected to exceed 50 percent
(currently 48.1 percent) next year, in 2025.

  • While the annual rate of MA growth continues to exceed the rate of growth in total
    Medicare eligible beneficiaries, it has moderated somewhat from previous years.
  • Much of the growth in nonmetropolitan MA enrollment has been in plans using local
    preferred provider organizations (PPOs), accounting for a majority of MA enrollees in
    nonmetropolitan counties since 2022.

Background and Purpose
This policy brief continues the RUPRI Center’s annual series of Medicare Advantage (MA)
enrollment updates. In addition to tracking overall and nonmetropolitan/metropolitan
(rural/urban) MA enrollment, this brief also reports on changes in enrollment in types of MA plans.
The Center’s ongoing line of inquiry also considers policy changes from previous years that may
have impacted MA plan enrollment.

The Update can be found Here