The RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis released An Insurance Profile of Rural America: A Chart Book.
Over the past decade, health insurance coverage has changed in major ways in rural areas with shifts towards public and publicly subsidized coverage among the nonelderly – Medicaid, Marketplace plans — and a shift towards Medicare Advantage (MA) among those eligible for Medicare. This Chartbook describes these trends in detail. The Chartbook covers findings on overall coverage (insured and uninsured rates), employer sponsored insurance, marketplace coverage, Medicare and Medicaid coverage. The demographic and economic characteristics of the rural persons and their coverage rates is described. How coverage impacts health status, access to care, and costs is briefly described.
The Chartbook was compiled by Timothy McBride, Emily Hernandez, Leah Kemper, Abigail Barker, Eliot Jost, & Keith Mueller.
All rural health research completed by the Rural Health Research & Policy Centers can be found at the Rural Health Research Gateway.